T (TIME) : November 13, 2010
P (PLACE) : AX-Korea (현 YES24 Live Hall)
O (OCCASION) : Mew Live In Seoul 2010
※ Hello, dear my frengers. My Mew forum name is shinichi(My real name is 'Hyunji Choi'). I got the photo pass in VU Entertainment=Feeling Concert(Korea agency)and MewX.info. All photos are taken by me.
You may feel free to share my Mew show&Korean fan meeting photos on other websites, as long as you identify the source as "mewx.info", "VU Entertainment". Please understand it.
※ The reason Mew did not sell official merchandise in Korea; I'm sure everyone wanted to buy Mew MD at the show in Korea. However, right after this gig, Mew is scheduled to go to Japan to play as the opening band for The Flaming Lips. Since they aren't headlining, they didn't bring any merch for Japan, and thus they didn't have anything to sell in Korea either.
I haven't heard of an opening band selling MD here before. If Japan does sell Mew MD, they will most likely be UN-official items that are made in Japan. I get the feeling that Japan will only have Mew's "Eggs Are Funny" for sale. In Korea, this album hasn't been released yet, nor has it been imported. If you want to purchase official Mew MD, please go to https://kontraband.shop/collections/mew.
1. Hawaaiiiiii=Hawaii
2. She Spider
3. Am I Wry? No → 156
4. Cartoons And Macrame Wounds
5. Shelter → Swanky(=Circuitry Of The Wolf → Chinaberry Tree)
6. Special → The Zookeeper's Boy
7. IPP(=Introducing Palace Players)
8. Sometimes Life Isn't Easy
9. Repeatbeater
10. Snow Brigade
11. Apocalypso → Saviors Of Jazz Ballet → Bamse(Bear)
12. Silas The Magic Car
13. Do You Love It?
14. Comforting Sounds
제가 사진 찍느라 공연을 거의 제대로 못 봐서...
Tricks of the Trade를 해 주실 줄 알았는데 안 해 주셨네요.
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Tricks of the Trade를 해 주실 줄 알았는데 안 해 주셨네요.
후기는 많이 지우고 사진만 남겨 놓겠습니다.
L to R → Me & Peerapa(from Thailand)& Dar(from Thailand)
태국에서 뮤를 보러 한국까지 오셨습니다...
태국에서 뮤를 보러 한국까지 오셨습니다...
태국 팬 Dar 님.
능력자 선민 님(=hjartat).
ATGHK artwork by hjartat.
ATGHK artwork by hjartat.
미드 프라이스로 다시 발매된 한국반 뮤 정규 1,2집 현장 판매분 전부 매진.
드문 경우라고 들었습니다.
드문 경우라고 들었습니다.
네이버 뮤 카페에서 준비하신 현수막 조공. 2F의 위엄. 일본 시부야 악스는 맨날 2층을 관계자만 앉게 하길래 저는 그게 싫어서 2층 좌석 꼭 오픈해 달라고 VU에 건의를 드렸음. 부탁을 들어주셔서 감사합니다...
공연 사진을 찍을 기회를 주셔서 감사합니다.